Reply to post: Re: Older staff, or staff with long tenures?

IBM insists it's not deliberately axing older staff. Internal secret docs state otherwise...

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Older staff, or staff with long tenures?

Well, because their business is dying. People don't want longstanding business products that are reliable. They want the fast new, trendy software that doesn't work but looks nice and has an app.

Even is caught up with this. Throwing out working websites to replace them with Web 2.0 trimmed down, fancy looking websites that don't contain the information you need.

Getting rid of the old people who say "You can't do this because...." and replacing them with people who say "Let's do this despite...." is there way of trying to become a modern inovative company instead of a dinnosaur.

Also when you give old people a problem to solve they come up with old solutions. They build relational databases on Unix servers, instead of Hadoopy whatevers in "the cloud".

Having an indept knowledge of products doesn't matter anymore since products only last about 18 months because they're full of holes and crap anyway.

And to be honest they do kind of have a point. I'm 37 and couldn't give a damn about all the stupid ideas kids have these days with your fancy Tinders and Ubers and Twitters.

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