Reply to post: But why is it so complicated?

Great, you've moved your website or app to HTTPS. How do you test it? Here's a tool to make local TLS certs painless


But why is it so complicated?

But this should be simple, and not require arcane knowledge, surely?

The problem I have found is that there seems to be a bit of an assumption that you know roughly what a certificate is, understand how it works, and how to get one before you can even start. But, frankly, I barely understand even that. I just know they work, somehow, and make everything secure. That's all I want or care about.

Case in point - I have the unify software running to look after three local ubiquiti unifi wireless access points in the house. It works with an https browser interface.

I only want to get onto the broswer interface from my local network, not from anywhere else. So I'm just ignoring the warnings and going through to it. It's unsatisfactory, but there doesn't seem to be a bog-standard, simple way of getting a self-signed certificate so that I don't have to get the warning.

So I'll be looking at this, to see if I can make it out.


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