Reply to post: Re: What the hell is a jiga byte??

Excuse me, sir. You can't store your things there. Those 7 gigabytes are reserved for Windows 10


Re: What the hell is a jiga byte??

It's what you get when no-one in the film unit knows the proper pronunciation of "giga" or is willing to interrupt the "artist" to correct them. In this case it got retconned in under 12 parsecs by the director and fanbase, just like the Kessel Run flub was.

For an even more annoying one to the UK ear, listen to DeNiro mangling "Hereford" in Ronin. If I had been Seen Been I would have mugged when asked "What colour are the boathouse doors in here-ford" and replied "Dunno. But in herr-i-ford they are green."

You aren't allowed to correct The Talent when they are fucking it up, apparently.

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