Reply to post: I get the snail-mail version

Um, I'm not that Gary, American man tells Ryanair after being sent other Gary's flight itinerary


I get the snail-mail version

Because my home address is "MyName, X/X Some Street" (Unit X at Building X on Some Street) and someone in my apartment block thinks their address is "TheirName, X Some Street".

I sent the first few back "Undeliverable, insufficient address" but now they just go strait to the recycle bin. It is mobile phone and power bills (I don't open them, but recognise the companies sending) so I assume they are checking and paying their bills online anyway if they haven't been cut off by now!


Meanwhile at work, the department that used to be upstairs from me (and shared a mail bag) but is now one building over has never been able to convince RS Components Australia of their new invoicing address in the three years since they moved (and I know as a fact that they have tried multiple times!). Those I just walk over to their new mail bag on my way to the coffee shop.

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