Reply to post: Re: Missing the damn point!

It's 2019, and from Beijing to Blighty folk are still worried about slurp-happy apps

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Missing the damn point!

protecting the info they've stolen from us

In most cases they haven't stolen it, they've taken it in lieu of cash payment. People like stuff they don't have to pay cash for, how else will the developers get paid? The issue of informed consent is an important, but largely different matter.

Which points up that an unfortunate omission from even the strongest data protection laws is a requirement to have a paid version of any app or service that (by law) has the same price as the provable value per user associated with data or ad-funded versions, but doesn't scrape any data at all. A tiny minority of apps already do this, why not put that on a legal footing? Might also be necessary to slowly break the fingers of Apple and Google's CEOs to persuade them that their app stores aren't entitled to 30% of revenues.

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