Reply to post: Re: Network tests

Heard the one where the boss calls in an Oracle consultant who couldn't fix the database?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Network tests

"The relevance of this never ceases"

One problem is that learning about things outside your necessary area takes time and effort. If you want promotion then you invest that effort in focusing on a management approved skill. Good generalists often only get valued in instances when they use their knowledge and skills to pull a rabbit out of the hat.

In my 40 years as a generalist trouble-shooter there were many promising youngsters who could have taken over my mantle. They soon decided that my role was hard work and underpaid - definitely not a quick career progression path.

Management often regarded me as a necessary evil to solve the problems that had foxed the highly paid specialists. My refusal to fudge the results was not welcome with some people.

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