Reply to post: Re: Slightly wrong.

Dutch boyband hopes to reverse Brexit through the power of music

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: Slightly wrong.

One Parliament cannot bind the hands of the next, after all. But I really don't think it would fly as an idea. If you want to overturn a specific people's vote on something this important, you'll have to go back and ask again.

It might come to that if only to break a deadlock in parliament. I'm only saying it's not necessary. Yes, if parliament decided to go against the result of a referendum, there would be wailing and gnashing of teeth (and headlines of betrayal in a range of newspapers) but the world would go on. Especially, if it meant a government that spent time dealing with the issues of the country. It's an emotional issue but not make or break for many people.

The current situation is a complete shambles. It's possible that, if the May loses the vote, that parliament will take control and, through "indicative votes" achieve consensus over what happens next. Difficult to see the current "leader" of the opposition stepping up the task, he seems to thrive on avoiding responsibility or taking a stand. So, I won't be holding my breath. If necessary, I'm sure the other 27 will agree to an extension of the current arrangement, and this might be necessary as I suspect we will see both a referendum and general election over this. Oh happy days!

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