Reply to post: Re: How about a high power laser burst ?

A few reasons why cops didn't immediately shoot down London Gatwick airport drone menace

graeme leggett Silver badge

Re: How about a high power laser burst ?

"Urban myth" implies didn't happen at all.

The flip was used but not often. because it wasn't an simple manoeuvre and was resorted to when a pilot a ran out of ammo.

Eg a 3 Squadron pilot "It wasn't impossible to tip them up but quite difficult. I only did it once.... I found that every time I put my wing under its starboard wing, it just skidded away; I had upset the airflow. On the next try I slipped my wing under it and immediately flipped my stick over to the right, and that tipped its wing right over and it just catapulted into the ground."

The few Meteors available were only in use from late July (when seven aircraft were posted to Manston) to September (when the launch sites were overrun) against V1s. That and working out the kinks in the new fighter probably counted as much as low endurance against them getting a passable score.

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