Reply to post: Re: Funding cuts lead to this

Who's watching you from an unmarked van while you shop in London? Cops with facial recog tech

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Funding cuts lead to this

"Even if Labour did the above. The conservatives, due to being in power, could reinstate the police numbers but they haven't. They've cut their funding even further."

Because the last Labour government emptied the coffers buying off parts of the electorate, then got themselves unelected when people realised they couldn't meet all their spending commitments. The LibDem/Conservative Coalition got in and started cutting some of Liebour's pet policies until the LibDems realised they were (a) having to get off the fence and actually commit to unpopular decisions and (b)unable to play both sides of the street while actually in power.

The Tories continued cutting all costs at all costs and are just starting to save a little in case of emergencies (such as the EU stitch-up they are laughingly calling 'Brexit' but is really 'Remain but without any say in how they shaft us') but the short-sighted swing voters will look around and, rather than realising that this is actually Blair's and Brown's legacy, blame the Tories again.

Still, when Liebour get back in and ignore the result of the biggest vote in recent times (how many times did Tony Bliar promise a Referendum?) and keep us in the Federated States of Europe, at least their fraternal socialist brothers and sisters on the mainland will help us out.

Like they did for the Greeks and the Spanish.

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