Reply to post: Re: BBC Micros at college

College PRIMOS prankster wreaks havoc with sysadmin manuals


Re: BBC Micros at college

My alternative was less hi-tech. At Uni (sorry guys) I wrote a simple program that looked exactly like the login system (custom screen, easy to mimic and logged out the current user, me, after recording login details) and ran around a computer room or two, logged in as myself, ran this application and merrily harvested the login details of countless students and staff.

There was a guy who did that on our EduQuest system (I don't know what OS they ran - I didn't go to school here and the things were on their way out when I started working here) at the high school here. He ended up working for the school district technology department. In fact, for a couple years we had everyone over the age of 20 who had been caught hacking our network when they were in high school working for us.

Sadly those days are past. We catch far too many kids attempting to hack the network these days to hire them all down the road.

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