Reply to post: Re: How many billions of dollars are being spent chasing this?

Waymo presents ChauffeurNet, a neural net designed to copy human driving

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: How many billions of dollars are being spent chasing this?

I just typed 'sheep' into my google photos app. I have never asked it to search my photos for that before. Not only did it find pictures of sheep, some were in the far background, others were cartoon characters on a mug.

Pretty good for a device that has never been asked about one before.

Ahh... but they will have machine learning so will know what a sheep looks like from millions of captioned photos!

Yes, exactly the good thing about the rise of the machine is that they can instantly learn from each other and get new knowledge at the same time. They are simultaneously learning form thousands or millions of hours of experience every day. Every person needs to re-learn for each one born. Every person has to go through a driving test and get instructed and read the highway code and learn from experience getting very different end results in the process.When they go abroad they need to learn new rules (and driving styles) as they go.

A machine can do it instantly, new road regulations could (in theory) come into force with a few days notice - if it was a simple rule, rather than relying on a big publicity campaign.

Assuming limited failures, once learnet they will never be influenced by tiredness, music, a bad day, stress, etc.

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