Reply to post: Re: Google it

Google CEO tells US Congress Chocolate Factory will unleash Dragonfly in China

Jellied Eel Silver badge

Re: Google it

Bullshit. And even if it did. What business is it of Google to censor the web?

That's why congresscritters and other politicians are taking an interest. Google is a private enterprise, so can set it's own rules. If users break those rules, Google is free to ToS them. But Google's a big beast and gateway for a lot of the world, so has the ability to influence people, not just flog ads.

If it's using it's influence to bias results to the left or right, that's its own choice. It's execs have been pretty open about supporting Democrats. As long as that's within lobbyin/election funding guidelines, that's legal.. Especially if we're aware of any bias.

Where I think it gets murkier is when it gets into censorship, and 'free speech' or First Amendment issues. Some speech is protected, some is not and different countries have different laws regarding what's acceptable that Google must obey, if it operates in those jurisdictions. Hate speech is hate, regardless if it's thrown left or right.

Politically I think the web giants are going to face pressure to comply with electoral rules, so influencers can be identified. So "Trump is an idiot" comes with a tag showing it's sponsored by the DNC. And just did my bit for SEO I guess.

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