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LG's beer-making bot singlehandedly sucks all fun, boffinry from home brewing

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"My most quaffable invention was grapefruit and sultana wine, [...]"

The radio club used to have a Xmas party in the clubroom. One member always brought a bottle of his home-made wheat wine - and then drank the spirits brought by other members.

My first taste of wine - Bulls Blood. Unfortunately no one had brought a corkscrew - so the cork was stabbed to pieces with a screwdriver. You had to drink it with your teeth filtering out the floating bits of cork.

That same party was my first pr0n film. Very soft by modern standards - superior to Health and Efficiency by not airbrushing nipples. The person who brought it forgot the screen - so it was projected onto the freshly decorated wall. The wallpaper was mostly white - dotted with large bunches of orange flowers. For my introduction to the naked female form it had certain novel overtones.

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