Reply to post: Re: Optional

The internet is going to hell and its creators want your help fixing it

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Optional

"Elon's sky cloud (and others) are going to be the death knell of terrestrial firewalling anyway."


Does the distinction between internet and web not matter any more? I think it does, and will.

When all people have got is smartphone apps, and no generic web access, who needs a firewall anyway?

When all people have got is Zuckerberg's FreeBasicInternet, who needs a firewall anyway?

When people no longer have meaningful web access, who will need web search engines? Google won't have to worry about censoring web searches, because there will be no web to search.

When all roads to the Internet have to pass through the likes of Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, Paypal, Palantir, etc, are people going to realise that Zuckerberg's mate Peter T's career history should have been a warning?

see also (from 2010 here on El Reg)

"The conclusion is fairly obvious, if fairly unpalatable to most of the chattering classes:

World War III is over and done with, and China has defeated the West (specifically, the US/UK West) hands down, with hardly a tank having rolled (except perhaps in Tiananmen Square)."

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