Reply to post: Re: Optional

The internet is going to hell and its creators want your help fixing it

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: Optional

"Comparing it to China censorship which is built just to ensure a ruling elite can't be changed, is really specious."

Britsih censorship wasn't much different not that long ago - and for much the same kinds of reasons (a few hundred years of civil wars etc)

I find it heartening that no matter what the chinese government tries to do, the chinese PEOPLE carry on regardless and ignore most of their restrictions (including endless dodges around the Great Firewall). It's pragmatism writ large and speaks well for the future.

Elon's sky cloud (and others) are going to be the death knell of terrestrial firewalling anyway. It's bloody hard to force people to use "your" network when you can't tell what direction the antenna's pointing.

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