Reply to post: Re: Value added installer

College PRIMOS prankster wreaks havoc with sysadmin manuals

Adam 1

Re: Value added installer

I once had to handle a complaint about system responsiveness. The client application had to wait for a bunch of data from the server, but given that the penny pinchers had, er, purchased network kit and internet connections that one could make a case were more suited to a small household than a business, occasionally these responses would time-out/retry or just take absurdly long to complete.

For reasons that largely boil down to historic cries of "just push it out, we promised it two weeks ago" from the PHB, the calls themselves locked up the UI thread which as anyone with an ounce of foresight can see was going to make the application appear unresponsive.

I couldn't magic up better performance given the data required and network conditions, but it's amazing how the complaint disappeared as soon as I included an animated gif progress bar and demonstrated how much faster the new version was.

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