Reply to post: Re: Assange is a political prisoner, in the United Kingdom, end of

Ecuador says 'yes' to Assange 'freedom' deal, but Julian says 'nyet'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Assange is a political prisoner, in the United Kingdom, end of

He revealed the wrongdoing of powerful people, for all his faults he deserves to be able to live somewhere without fear of prosecution.

The man has broken the law and sought to justify it later with Wikileaks. He then proceeded to violate someone else's rights (the two girls), broke the law again and tried to play politics (badly) to enable probably the worst president to ever foul the White House (making Bush Jr look good by comparison) so I don't see why he deserves any slack.

He may overestimate his own worth, but let's just say that his view is fortunately shared by fewer and fewer people, especially those who supplied his bail money..

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