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Talk about a GAN-do attitude... AI software bots can see through your text CAPTCHAs


While I am indeed one of those people who hates picking out cars, street signs and other objects in CAPTCHA image grids working for Google for free, the part I really hate with impossible-to-properly-describe fury is that apparently there is no limit on how many times you can be forced to try again. Usually it just goes on endlessly, tile set after tile set after tile set, and there is no recourse because a) you probably have something you _need_ to do behind that captcha you can't do anywhere else and b) absolutely everyone is using the same disgusting system anyway.

The fact that if as a consumer I had any power whatsoever then right now there would be a giant smouldering crater full of liquefied rock where the captcha servers used to be illustrates nicely that I am nothing more than powerless cattle and a product both for the suppliers of those captchas and the sites employing them.

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