Reply to post: Re: Strangely in the last week or so..

Space policy boffin: Blighty can't just ctrl-C, ctrl-V plans for Galileo into its Brexit satellite

Justthefacts Silver badge

Re: Strangely in the last week or so..

Without any people’s vote in the *UK*. Pedant. Certainly, other countries have voted. Sometimes more than once until they came up with right answer (Ireland)

Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus (kinda), Czech, Estonia, East Germany counts half, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.

That’s 15.5 out of 27, which is more than 50%. How have I erred?

You are correct only that Hoxha being Albanian shouldn’t strictly count. Ironic that. The Albanian diaspora is a classic example of how EU rhetoric on enabling freedom of movement, is entirely unsupported by the reality on the ground. There are as many Albanians living in the EU27 as in Albania itself (wiki Albanian diaspora), despite it *not* being a member of the EU. So, what need is Schengen? For clarity, I’m *pro* immigration.

I can accept that countries can transition from autocracy to democracy. What scares the shit out of me is the reverse, which is happening now in large parts of the EU27.

Polish friends with the wrong ethnicity are selling their house in Poland. Hungarian Jewish friends are getting their parents out now, not even waiting for the payments to clear on the house sale because it’s that dangerous to stay. A gay Romanian friend is hiding their traces on social media, after their friend committed suicide in a police cell by shooting himself in the back of the head.

Your dismissive tone shows that you belong to a class that has never had anything to fear, and has no skin in the game. For people outside your privilege group, there are very valid reasons to worry if the U.K. will still be a place of safety in an increasingly federalised Europe, with a centre of political gravity consisting significantly of fascist governments.

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