Reply to post: Re: Get me a babysitter

Giraffe hacks printers worldwide to promote God-awful YouTuber. Did we read that one right?


Re: Get me a babysitter

The reason children and teens and young adults support PewDiePie is because he is the last good thing on the internet.


Really? The last good thing? The final one?

Have you perhaps considered that maybe you could use the internet to, I dunno, learn stuff? Head over to coursera and pick up some knowledge from people that actually have some. Maybe you could pop over to github/other and get involved in a hackathon, creating something of value to a worthy charity or two? Or maybe you could hit once of the finance sites and learn about how money actually works, when you have to work for it?

The internet has many good things on it. PDP ain't one of them.

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