Reply to post: Re: In Ten Years Oracle Will Be Wanged...

What now, Larry? AWS boss insists Amazon will have dumped Oracle database by end of 2019

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: In Ten Years Oracle Will Be Wanged...

"Brutal how many jobs AWS is going to cost the IT world in the next ten years."

Have you actually done any serious work with AWS at the grass root level? It requires you to be incredibly diverse, the classic jack-of-all-trades from networks to sysadmin, DBA work and of course coding in a couple of languages. What we will see from AWS skills is that those who have stuck to their guns and run their careers on one skill will be slowly put out to pasture. To quote a colleague of mine, "Devs? Ops? No, not anymore. With cloud stuff everyone will need to be a devop in IT from now on no matter how they started in IT.".

Something else you will see is a lot more cowboys knocking crappy cloud projects together, that's when serious IT will clean up. Contractors will step in, suck air through teeth in the classic builder style and say, "Cor blimey guv, who you 'ad on this job then? Bloody 'ell! Bunch of cowboys put this web stack together didn't they? Look at that single threaded DB connector at the base there. Christ on a bike, you're lucky the whole lot ain't coming down around you! I'll put in some in multi-threaded code, we'll rip out that RDBMS, put in a nosql layer, then simplify that top level app stack with a common API layer. Gonna cost you though guv!"

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