Reply to post: Re: Javascript

Check your repos... Crypto-coin-stealing code sneaks into fairly popular NPM lib (2m downloads per week)

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Javascript

"Why did we ever allow this cr@p on our webpages in the first place."

Or in the back-end of a server, for that matter (i.e. Node.js).

JQuery and Node.js - the MALIGNANT TUMORS of 'Teh Intarwebs'.

There are better ways of doing these things. And they don't come with the *KINDS* of problems we see with client-side scripting (viruses, tracking, side-channel attacks, bitcoin mining) and server-side scripting with Node.js (single dependency update creating fail or malware on MANY servers at once).

Time for some CHEMO-THERAPY I say. Kill the tumor BEFORE IT GETS BIGGER.

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