Reply to post: smart meter != reduction in energy consumption

Shocker: UK smart meter rollout is crap, late and £500m over budget

Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

smart meter != reduction in energy consumption

A complete waste of money, time and energy on insecure garbage. Smart meters do not save energy, I do by going around turn lights off.

Indeed. I have long been puzzled by the idea that smart meters save you energy. They don't - they just tell you how much energy your're using.

If you want a smart meter, then presumably you have an inclination to being sensible with your energy use in the first place, e.g. only heat your house as warm as it needs to be, don't leave lights on unnecessarily, etc.

Therefore, by installing a new piece of kit which actually uses electricity, a smart meter could represent an *increase* in energy consumption.

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