Reply to post: Evolutionary backwater

Australia's 'snoop minister' wants crypto-busting law probe wound up, proposals back into parliament

Long John Silver

Evolutionary backwater

The continent of Australia is an evolutionary backwater: hence marsupials. Add to that displacement of its native human population by many of the worst England had to offer and a pattern emerges. An island continent truly habitable only around its seaboard. An imported population with a trophy opera house but really only interested in surfing, team sports, beer consumption, and 'shielas' (sic), in that order; a nation infested by acquired cane toads, the dumbest animals on earth (koala bears have a head start on human citizens), a plethora of nasty spiders one of which is a bum-biter for people foolish enough to defaecate sitting down, and little more need be said about why encryption is a mystery to Australia's inhabitants.

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