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Infosec's Thanksgiving turkey triumvirate: Tesla, Tumblr, Trump (as in Ivanka)... and tons more

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While it is easy to joke about internet funbux, a number of people have had their lives profoundly impacted by money lost on cryptocurrency investments, and if the markets were being manipulated illegally, whoever was behind it should be brought to justice.

Eh. I don't feel sorry for someone who loses his/her shirt at the roulette table, why should this be different?

And the casino industry is at least regulated...

Then there are the people who made huge capital gains in the 2017 tax year and then lost it all in 2018. That's going to be fun to explain to the tax man.

Two platitudes come to mind: 1) you can't con an honest man; and 2) play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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