Reply to post: Used to have an exercycle

Oi, Elon: You Musk sort out your Autopilot! Tesla loyalists tell of code crashes, near-misses

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Used to have an exercycle

I used to have an exercycle that had small metalic panels on the grips. Through these it could sense my heart rate and other data.

Last month I was at the quacks and they had a 1/2"x1/2"x2" block that she put on my finger during the consult. It measured heart rate, blood oxygen and one or two other things, displayed on a small screen on the device itself.

Tesla could fit some of these types of sensors to the wheel. And they could easily make it look nice and make the visual design a 'feature' of the steering wheel.

There's also tech that tracks a person's eye movements, which may also be fitted (I assume those who wish to buy Tesla cars don't have any qualms about intrusions into their personal space).

Of course, since the general public believe (after decades of movies and TV watching) that "auto pilot" means "fully automatic pilot", perhaps the quickest and easiest thing Tesla could do is stop using that term.

Hopefully sometime real soon a government will man up and start issuing very hefty fines, especially if the person in the driver's seat of the car could be seen to NOT be reasonably attentive for long periods of time. A second here and there is usually OK. 20% of your brain going to a conversation with a reasonably attentive passenger is fine (they'll hopefully spot things you miss), but taking your eyes off the road for more than 2 seconds is bad.

Companies who provide touch screens to replace the physical controls on climate/stereo systems should also be fined automatically when one of their cars is 'at fault' in an accident. I can adjust all of these things by reaching in the general area till I contact part of the system, then moving my hand left/right/up/etc depending on what I first hit to get the control I want.

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