Reply to post: Re: What about the UK

OK Google, why was your web traffic hijacked and routed through China, Russia today?


Re: What about the UK

It's much worse than that. Gsuite is used by UK Central Governent departments as well. I have never understood why. It's bad enough that Google knows all about your private email, it now also has full access to some HMG mail, documents, Hangouts discussions etc. FFS why give that kind of advantage to a US commercial company?

Back in the day when I ran Gov IT systems we insisted the data was all on local boxes we could actually touch. GSI (version 1) changed some of that by moving mail through a commercial (but UK based) system. Later versions further watered down the local storage and processing paradigm. We now seem to be so enamoured of all the "cloud" bollocks that we are prepared to give away most of the crown jewels.

Face palm for obvious reasons.

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