Reply to post: Tax isn't my strong point... fishes for likes as it prepares to go solo on digital sales tax

steviebuk Silver badge

Tax isn't my strong point...

..but isn't this a shit idea.

Not that I'm defending the likes of Facebook or Google but you use their services for free. It costs them shed loads to manage the servers and bandwidth you produce so to make that service available, for free, they just show you ads and maybe use your data that (as long as you consent to it) to sell to others. Yes I'll get down votes for that as we all know Facebook and Google have been abusing the consent.

But still. If these services are available for free, you choose to use or not use it. So how can you tax someone that provides a service for free, just because they then make money of you using their service for free?

I don't get it. Does this mean they'll start to tax Steam. And will those companies then just pass the tax onto their users?

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