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Lucky, lucky, Westminster residents: Who better to look after your housing benefits than Capita?

Wellyboot Silver badge

Not related

>>>Council tax is a bit of a sticky wicket for Westminster Council as it controversially charges one of the lowest rates in the country, despite the average price of a house in the borough set at £1.22m.<<<

The charge a council levies is related to the budget they set, not the price of housing. House valuation (based on the 1991 survey) is only used to differentiate charge bands within the area. If all the housing is at the same band they all pay the same regardless of any assumed multiplier

Lowest band (A) = 0.67 – (many northern towns are 90% plus band A)

Base band (D) = 1.0

Highest band (H) = 2 – Most of Westminster?

If all the houses in an area are the same band then this happens. (Assume the Council budget charges £1m over 1000 houses in the area)

In band H base figure (£1,000 /2) = £500 – Charge per house = £1,000

In band A base figure (£1,000 /0.67) = £1,492 - Charge per house= £1,000

Everyone pays the same, but politicos get to pick a number to support their line of BS.

(Having a band 'H' home in a predominantly 'A' area is going to sting the wallet a bit)

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