Reply to post: Re: The issue is changing the password...

Solid state of fear: Euro boffins bust open SSD, Bitlocker encryption (it's really, really dumb)

Paul Crawford Silver badge

Re: The issue is changing the password...

That is the usual argument for most data-at-rest encryption where you have a fixed random encryption value and your password simply protects that so a change of key is simple and fast as you don't have to decrypt and re-encrypt all of the data using the past and new keys.

But who would have assumed the same of a disk? I always assumed that your PC (e.g. BitLocker mentioned) would present some high entropy key to the disk and if you changed password that key would be unchanged, as would a software implementation of disk encryption. After all you don't really expect to have the SATA bus, etc, snooped upon during operations. If you do its kind of game over anyway...

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