Reply to post: Re: So...

Sysadmin running a Mac fleet? IBM has just thrown you a lifeline

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: So...

Aparently the move to Mac has saved them money. In Slashdot's coverage of this story they quote an IBM person thusly: "IBM is saving a minimum of $265 (up to $535 depending on model) per Mac compared to a PC, over a 4-year lifespan. While the upfront workstation investment is lower for PCs, the residual value for Mac is higher The program's success has improved IBM's ability to attract and retain top talent -- a key advantage in today's competitive market."

What matters for us is more the vast amount of time not wasted on waiting for machines to update and restart, and the general speedup due to better application usability. To preserve usability, we generally avoid anything made by MS (which is again a cost saver), but that gain could potentially be neutralised by IBM's involvement :). Add to that that software is generally cheaper and doesn't come with built-in licence management failure risk and it was a no-brainer.

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