Reply to post: Re: Please remember...

Apple to dump Intel CPUs from Macs for Arm – yup, the rumor that just won't die is back

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Please remember...

"Cook is a bookkeeper. He doesn't care about tech, innovation, or poor people. He cares only for 'value to investors'"

I don't think you understand what a bookkeeper does. They ensure your financials are honest.

Cook is a supply chain expert. His job is to maximise the profit from whatever the company does in the way of R&D, sales and marketing.

I don't think he is the problem. I suspect it lies in the design and engineering departments, and not wanting to be involved in a failed project. And that will come from the shareholders.

Apple is now so big and so many people depend on it that it has become too big to be allowed to fail. Remember Jobs ran a much smaller company.

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