Reply to post: Re: Oh, CALCULATOR!

Microsoft points to a golden future where you can make Windows 10 your own

Roland6 Silver badge


>There should be some way to 'commit' OS changes so that after you feel comfortable that the latest patches haven't broken something you can eliminate the ability to roll back and save some space.

Typical MS basic functionality is available in Win7 using the Disk Cleanup -> Clean up System Files option. With Win10 the relevant functionality has been moved into Settings -> System > Storage

Although, I have read that you only need to manually do a system file clean up on Win10 if you want to clean OS update files before Windows automatic housekeeping gets around to it.

Obviously, the MS tools will only clean up the standard Windows areas and files, so you will still need to use CCleaner (with settings appropriate to your needs) if you want a single place to clean up after third-party applications.

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