Reply to post: Re: In Germany there actually is a strong push for those ideas in the ruling party

EU aren't kidding: Sky watchdog breathes life into mad air taxi ideas

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: In Germany there actually is a strong push for those ideas in the ruling party

"How will we stop bad eggs/suicidal/depressed people/terrorists from getting jobs as flying taxi drivers"

$Hint: robot air taxi drivers have fewer things to avoid than robot ground taxi drivers. This is an area where monkeys won't be allowed to take the controls.

In any case this is mostly a bad idea. "Flying cars" comes from the "personal freedom" brigade, but we don't have the energy resources to sustain existing demands for everyone on the planet, which means that it results in more societal stratification and more terrorism (poverty, inequity and deprivation breeds such things)

Solving the energy problem without poisoning the biosphere (hint: "renewables", wind and solar are all rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic) is a more pressing problem. Flying cars can come later.

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