Reply to post: Re: Morrisons vicariously liable but not at fault

Don't make us pay compensation for employee data breach, Morrisons begs UK court

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: Morrisons vicariously liable but not at fault

>so yes, my personal mobile goes into a locker before I go onto the trading floor.

Right now understand where you are coming from...

When I started work (pre-mobile phones) making private phone calls whilst at work was a hassle, I'm not sure if we can easily get back to this state of affairs or whether it is desirable.

As an external consultant, since the mid 1990's I have nearly always turned up at client sites with my personal phone and laptop (ie. my tools which are owned by my business) - only leaving them in the bag/car/at home when the client provides 'tools' and specifies non-use of third-party equipment on their premises.

However, for the probably the vast majority of enterprises it is now a well established practise for people to carry around their own personal mobile phone/tablet, which may or may not be connected to the corporate IT (whether on the guest network or in many cases directly on the corporate network!!).

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