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Surprising no one, Google to appeal against European Commission's €4.34bn Android fine

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Google may reportedly pay Apple $9bn to ensure it is the default search engine in the iPhone, or $12.85 per device, according to a research note from Goldman Sachs – an expense few new startup search engines would be able to afford.

Hmmm, so Apple sold their metrics data to Google in effect because that's what Google is after so it can advertise to Apple users. Blame Apple for whoring it's users, not Google.

Let's be honest here how many companies could actually fulfil a proper requirement for search as it requires huge back end processing and bandwidth. It costs a lot to build such infrastructure and the size of the investment would make the deepest pocketed VC wince.

Where is the European competition in these tech markets to compete with Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Lenovo etc ?

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