Reply to post: Re: Do his material contributions...?

On the seventh anniversary of Steve Jobs' death, we give you 7 times he served humanity and acted as an example to others

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Do his material contributions...?

The Lisa was a failure, and the Macintosh was pushed over the much more capable Apple IIGS. Jobs had Wozniak's IIGS deliberately crippled to make sure the Macintosh was more appealing in a bit of corporate dick swinging. The Mac wasn't even Jobs' idea - he happened upon it when it was a low key experiment and then used it to try and shore up his already shaky position in the company.

NeXT was a failure as well. Jobs' insistence on a perfect cube for the case of the original model went against engineering reality - a perfect cube has a very high failure rate when molded since it's difficult to get it out of the mold without cracking, so the NeXT factory was littered with broken cases. The software was too ambitious, and exceeded the capacity of available hard drives so they went with an unproven technology that ended up being unreliable.

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