Reply to post: Re: On the third day of Windows Microsoft gave to me:

On the third day of Windows Microsoft gave to me: A file-munching run of DELTREE

Terry 6 Silver badge

Re: On the third day of Windows Microsoft gave to me:

Bradford is mainly Bangladeshi I think. It was when I was a student there and though that's a long time ago ( the lectures were in Latin) I don't think it's changed that much. Those "Indian " curry houses are usually Sylhetti owned.

You don't say where "local" means for you. In London and Leicester there are certainly large Hindu populations, including those expelled from Uganda by the evil Amin. And to them Diwali is the festival of light. In some ways surprisingly similar to Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of light. And for all of these, in their areas there's a big seasonal sales opportunity

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