Reply to post: The problem is the lack of interoperability and central management.

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

The problem is the lack of interoperability and central management.

Such devices should be built around standards that allow for interoperability amd central management - think about a Nagios-style dashboard telling you which devices are operative, which not, which have a low battery that need replacement, and which need an update. Even better if the central management can download updates and feed them to devices.

Obviously, in the actual landscape, that's just a dream. Each damned devices is designed to be cheap and proprietary, requiring its own app (and hope it will work when you upgrade your mobe), while slurping whatever data it can from you, and sending it directly to the mothership.

I'm not going to install them as long as I can't have something as outlined above - a bunch of hard to manage devices is not what I need.

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