Reply to post: Re: Hidden files?

New Zealand border cops warn travelers that without handing over electronic passwords 'You shall not pass!'

Ken Hagan Gold badge

Re: Hidden files?

To some extent, all OSes have this capability.

You set up two user accounts (in addition to the administrative one). On demand, you provide the password to one of the user accounts, where there is evidence of you watching cat videos from time to time. The other user account is pretty much blank. Once you are at "a safe pub" (to borrow an expression from an earlier commentard) you restore the second account from a secure cloud backup. (Remember to reverse the process on your way home.)

The vast majority of your hard disc is stupid OS bloatware and you don't want to waste time or bandwidth downloading that in the pub. There's probably only a handful of files actually matter. With careful data hygiene, this "split personality" PC could even be your normal working setup rather than something special for foreign trips. It also protects you against having the PC stolen.

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