Reply to post: Re: codejunky

Git it girl! Academy tries to tempt women into coding with free course

codejunky Silver badge

Re: codejunky

@ diodesign

"Prosecution rests."

Well done ducking out of saying anything that might be suggesting women are inferior. Except... are you suggesting discriminating by sex is ok (my point being that it isnt)?

It is you claiming they are being discouraged, I point out they are being positively discriminated for and your best most thought out response is "Prosecution rests.". Ha.

So come on, what is this discouragement? In my eyes discriminating against them is bad, and discriminating in favor of them is bad. The first because women shouldnt be kept out or discouraged, but the second because they are not inferior and insisting they need a helping hand is to see them as inferior.

If they are equal of opportunity (not outcome, thats an SJW dream), same access, same classes, same opportunity then why do you feel they need more than a male? Which is why I asked-

"Is this a suggestion women are too thick to pick a career in IT that they inherently want? Are women unhappy in the choices of career they have gone for?

Or is this to suggest women need to be manipulated to do what others (is this men?) think they should do?

What is the justification to claim women should have their choices manipulated to make them do as someone else sees fit?"

So once you have rested feel free to come back and explain how they are discouraged. Explain why they need that helping hand. Why do they need treating differently just because they are female?

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