Reply to post: IT aint Rocket Science . It is Much More Simply Complex that that.

Boffins ask for £338m to fund quantum research. Here's £80m

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

IT aint Rocket Science . It is Much More Simply Complex that that.

You would think that with so much at stake an invite to a meeting with the relevant all revealing would be a rightious right move? .... Anonymous Coward

Quite so, AC. It is as simple as that. It does however require all parties to exercise an exceptional intelligence and for some who may be too many, is that always going to be a hurdle too high to straddle and take a long view and short position from.

It does not stop one from introducing oneself and launching programs into systems via obscure invitations and elite exclusive executive administrations baiting though, exploiting vulnerabilities and testing extant security defences.

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