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Kronos crims go retro, Apple builds cop portal, Swiss cheesed over Russian hack bid, etc

Waseem Alkurdi

Most times (if we're talking business-class laptops/desktops here), you can update the firmware independently from the BIOS/UEFI firmware. The ME firmware sits on a separate region of the flash.

But Intel doesn't seem to be releasing the firmware on its websites ... they only have a flasher, and the firmware comes from OEM. Damn, wly the hell?

At least, if you're comfortable soldering chips, you can try me_cleaner or somthing.


This site seems to provide separate F/W packages for all versions of MEI.

However, what if there are remotely exploitable zero-days? (I think that there ARE ones in the wild, which may be why the US Gov't. asked for HAP support on Skylake MEI and above)

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