Reply to post: Re: With M$ Windows dead as a dodo

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Re: With M$ Windows dead as a dodo

Windows 10 is alive and well. And, when you compare it to Linux, it is the smoothest, most responsive and fit looking operating system around. I love it. I hate that I love it, I wish Linux is better and I do use Linux in a VM context, both on my host machine and my VPS. Linux is excellent for those tasks but it falls down terribly as a usable operating system for your main machine. God knows I tried (with Ubuntu and a couple of other variants). But you need to be some kind of magician to be able to keep it running. I did once get a RAID running on it. But it took me several weeks and many failed attempts. I even wrote an article at one stage about how to get it working correctly with an intel controller. Too much work. RAID in windows just works and I can rely on it.

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