Reply to post: Re: If phone service was unregulated

Y'know what? VoIP can also be free from pesky regulation – US judges

Eddy Ito

Re: If phone service was unregulated

Without the regulations that forced phone companies to provide phone service to rural customers they'd let the lines fall into disrepair and those people would lose their only link with the outside world. I suppose you believe that it would be fair if phone companies said "well, it costs us a lot more to provide service to on this ranch in western Texas, so if you want to maintain phone service it'll cost you $250 a month instead of $25 a month". After all, that's the free market at work!

You might want to check your phone bill. Look for the part that says "Universal Connectivity Charge". You see, it still costs $250 a month to maintain that equipment running to G. W. Bush's ranch, it's just that we all get to pay for it to save W a few bucks. Good thing we're forcing those companies to take an extra 17.9% of everyone's bill to provide phone service to rural customers like W.

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