Reply to post: Dead kids

A flash of inspiration sees techie get dirty to fix hospital's woes

Danny 2

Dead kids

I once worked for an ICR/OCR "workflow" company in the mid 90s. Mostly it was fun, light work, interesting too.

Two of my worst working days were there though. They went after an NHS contract and wanted to prove they could scan in and record and label any type of NHS document, and a huge folder of sample material was dumped on my desk. I had to scan it all and then proof check the results.

90% of the material was dead children. A catalogue of their diagnosis, treatment, and death, with accompanying X Rays etc.

You all know what it feels like to pass a car crash and try not to look. This was 18 hours of that because I had to look to check for errors. I have no idea why the NHS was permitted to share those incredibly private details with an outside company, and I regret not just quitting on the spot rather than do that.

I guess NHS staff are just inured to that, death is in their face everyday. It just toppled me.

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