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Microsoft tells volume customers they can stay on Windows 7... for a bit longer... for a fee


@bombastic bob

"But please no "you must have micro-shaft sign the kernel drivers" requirement. that's just wrong..."

Silly as it might seem you still can run newer third party signed drivers, if you turn off Secure Boot on Windows 10.

As far as drivers are concerned the user ought to have the choice to allow trust.

Secure boot ought to also have the option to set user trust on one of its components without affecting the checks on others. You set the BIOS up manually to say "I trust this" and that should be enough. That would allow small third party devs back in.

But it's all for your own good you know!

But they keep on breaking things on these feature updates. On my Surface pro 4 the touch interface has become lousy since 1803 - Half the time you can't touch to set the carat in an edit box on some W32 apps.

Then if you press the button, to get the lock screen on, and go back in straight away it works for a short while. Then it happens again. Initially I rolled back to 1709 and all was well again. Then I tried the update again and it seemed like they'd fixed it at first, but I wasn't using the thing much, and the time expired so I am stuck on it. They hadn't fixed it at all. Just the same. Maybe they want to buy a new one ? It wouldn't be one of theirs that's for sure.

All this from the company who seems to want to tell the world how software should be written. The words "practice" and "preach" come to mind. They can't even seem to test their stuff properly on their own devices they make.

Please check things in touch mode on your OWN devices Microsoft. Try using yourselves what you have created. It really might help!

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