Reply to post: Am I being thick ?

Nope, the NSA isn't sitting in front of a supercomputer hooked up to a terrorist’s hard drive

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Am I being thick ?

Let's assume that any proprietary encryption system - be it Skype, Whatsapp or whatsever is tainted.

Is there not a solution by simply adding another layer - of known, good encryption - over the top ?

Rinse and repeat ?

Moreover, is there not scope for an encryption technique which uses two passkeys, and which renders an anodyne innocent message when supplied with the "duress key" ? Off the top of my head, embedding a simple* text message (which could be a URL which leads to another ...) in a nude selfie and then encrypting that. Few people would be able to argue a nude selfie is an odd thing to encrypt and if the steganography is done correctly** there's no trace of the other message.

*"Simple" - most bad guys fall down here and make things waaaaaaaaaay too complex

** Aye, there's the rub ...

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