Reply to post: Re: FFS

Software dev-turned-councillor launches rubbish* chatbot

codejunky Silver badge


@ LucreLout

"Which neatly brings us back to why councils should stop encouraging the fly tipping in the first place and simply reinstate the services we're all still paying for but no longer receive."

The problem is we are not paying for the service. We want our rubbish taken away and we pay for that happily. Unfortunately the protest groups have won and now we must split our rubbish into varying coloured bins of shrinking capacity so they can be shipped to a country for recycling (except they find it too expensive so bury it there) and we get a crappy lower level of service.

So to get a decent level of service we either need to pay more for the protest groups desired service or revert bin collection back to what we had. Considering how much people complain about the number of bins (justifiably), the shrinking of bins and not enough collections I think reverting to what worked would be better.

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