Reply to post: Re: Another IPV6 article which exposes issues with IPV6

Strewth! Aussie ISP gets eye-watering IPv4 bill, shifts to IPv6 addresses


Re: Another IPV6 article which exposes issues with IPV6

The transition mechanism for consumer broadband is DS-Lite. It gives customers a public IPv6 address and an IPv4 address behind CG-NAT for legacy applications. Over time less and less traffic will go over CG-NAT as more services become available over IPv6 and at some point ISPs will be able to switch them off altogether (or keep it only for premium plans).

Looking at current developments, within a year or two I expect the norm to be:

* DS-Lite for consumer broadband.

* Dual Stack for business broadband.

* Dual Stack for internet facing servers.

* IPv6-only for internal servers.

That situation will then stay that way for a good couple of years while IPv4 is slowly going the way of IPX.

I remember having a network where all nodes had TCP/IP and SPX/IPX side by side for a year or two until the last application had migrated to TCP/IP and we could remove SPX/IPX from the interfaces. I expect the same to happen with IPv4. In my home network I have a couple of devices (printer, Apple TV, some IoT stuff) where I could probably remove IPv4 already as they all use IPv6.

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